Category Archives: Life

Pivotal moments in the air

During my days flying every week:

  • A middle-aged entrepreneur said I should sell high-value, high-margin products as softly as possible. Boy, was he right!
  • A young personal wellness coach said he saw big things from me. He still emails me periodically to see if I’ve made it big.
  • A husband and wife, both scientists from rural Florida taught me about the perils of farm-raised fish. They were one of the first subscribers to Life is NOYOKE.
  • Two strangers left me alone, mostly, while I juggled 50 note cards with research for the book I was writing. The strangers varied, but they were all helpful in special ways.

For every reason flying brought me the pain, there was one that made it worth it.

Lemons, lemonade, People.


Daily vacation

Activating airplane mode is the unofficial beginning of a vacation.

  • No emails.
  • No Facebook.
  • No calls.

Just pure bliss.

Lately, I’ve been activating airplane mode every day. Even if it’s just for 20 minutes, I’m refreshed like after a week on the beach.

Of course, business travelers go on airplane mode on flights for work. But isn’t that still airplane mode?

Flying for work. No flying at all. Take a few minutes per day on airplane mode.

Who doesn’t want a daily vacation?

Recognizing selfish questions

Some questions:

Q1) Where are the people from that shop here?

Q2) How do you make money blogging?

Q3) How old is your dog?

These are FAQ’s of me have always been easy to answer.

A1) Around here.

A2) Promoting products like Vitamix.

A3) Between 2 and five years old.

But upon closer examination, those questions are not what I’m being asked. The real questions are much more selfish than what I heard.

Real Q1) Do people like me shop here?

Real Q2) Should I be worried about you paying rent or that you’re going to ask me for money?

Real Q3) Can I pet her?

The lesson? Answer the question they asked. It’s rude to jump to conclusions. But, don’t be afraid to take a stab at the real question being asked. At best, you make a deeper connection. At worse, it’s a lot more fun.


Who will be first?

The first school to desegregate.

The first state to allow gay marriage.

The first state to legalize marijuana.

And now the first convenience store to ban the sale of tobacco products: CVS.

It took a long time. And a lot of courage. And for CVS, quite frankly, financial incentive. But slowly, others will follow suit. Just like they did with segregation, gay marriage and marijuana.

Way to be first, CVS!

Next up: Processed food products.

Who will be first?


Nice choose

Things you can choose:

  • To be on-time.
  • Your interpretation.
  • Your style.
  • Your words.
  • Your tone.
  • Your attendance.

Making an excuse for a bad attitude, being late, taking stuff personally, looking like a schlub, unkindness, yelling, or not showing up is your choice, too.

Which do you choose?

Lyft: Beyond the Pink Mustaches

The Ultimate Guide to Lyft Ridesharing

Ask any friend or family member how I get around in Chicago. They’ll say something like, “Cab or The El maybe?” Then, it will come to them. “Oh, Lenny? He uses Lyft.”

Yep, Lyft.

I’m crazy about Lyft. I’ve been getting rides via the Lyft app since they came to my city. No cabs, no train, no Uber. Just Lyft.

My fondness for Lyft goes beyond the service. I’ve been casually touting Lyft in life-themed blog posts for a while. I think they’re the model company for our generation.

Yesterday, Lyft sent me a link to give my readers. It gets new Lyft riders $25 in free money. Amazing! Perfect time to bring together all my previously published posts mentioning Lyft. So here it is. Your ultimate guide to Lyft.

This is a living, breathing resource, to be updated regularly.


As with any of my reviews, my goal is to uncover the good, bad & ugly. As such, I do not accept any payment for reviews like this.

I do, though, get referral fees for some of my links. What does that mean? I appreciate your support.

Ultimately, the goal of my writing is to make people and organizations better. So, if there’s something I don’t like, I won’t hesitate to make note. The goal with this blog is and has always been the truth. My thoughts are the truth. And stating facts is the truth, too. So if you disagree or see any errors or omissions, please leave a comment below or contact me directly.

The Lyft community: An Introduction

The Lyft community is incredible. Drivers are all very similar. They’re just looking for some extra cash on the side. Many Lyft drivers are creatives or entrepreneurs. Some have day-jobs.

But no matter what the Lyfter’s story is, it’s almost always a learning experience. Here are some of my favorite Lyfts so far.

Andrew. Father or two high school boys and owner of a real estate consulting firm.

Arlene: The gymnast who travels with the circus.

Pinchas: The chasidic Jew who is in his last year of biblical school. Don’t expect a ride on shabbas from him!

The common thread with Lyft drivers is that they’re:

  • Fiercely loyal to the Lyft community.
  • Cool conversationalists.
  • Attentive listeners.
  • Great people.
  • Just plain fun.

And like any good community, word spreads fast. Want a new feature from the Lyft service? Just ask.

Lyft vs Taxi Cabs

Taxi rides turn me into a different person. So do Lyft rides. The former into a mean, angry monster. The latter into a better, happier me.

I love Lyft because it’s:

Cheaper than a cab

A Lyft is on average 25% less expensive than a cab. And the savings improve when you add passengers. Unlike cabs, there is no extra charge for additional riders.

Safer than a cab

Lyftees benefit from a two-way paper trail. All rides are processed through their app. So, here’s the paper trail:

  1. Electronic record of you asking for a ride. Date, time, and location are logged.
  2. Electronic record of the driver agreeing to give you a ride. Date, time, and location are logged.

Try and get that with a cab, single ladies!

Like riding with a friend

Lyft drivers are incredibly safe and trustworthy. They are all given background checks. They all have clean driving records. And they are identified through their facebook profile, which brings an added layer of “friendship.” Plus, their car is certified Lyft-ready!

Just like riding with friends, you ride in front. Ensuring you get:

  • Less car sick.
  • More leg room.
  • Your own airbag!

While I’ve only had 4 or 5-star rides, you’re protected against a bad experience. If you rate your ride 3 stars or fewer, that driver can never pick you up again.


All Lyft rides are handled through the app. Your credit card is securely saved, just like

When the ride is over, you get to leave immediately. No fumbling around with cash. No uncomfortable requests to a cabby to pay with credit card.

Before Lyft, cabs and bars were the only time I used cash. Now, it’s just bars. 🙂

Concerns about Lyft

Right now, there are two concerns with Lyft.

  1. They’re only in select cities. NYC has banned them because they were hurting the taxi business. The solution? Not sure. They’re growing quickly, so perhaps they’ll be in your city soon.
  2. Drivers aren’t full-time drivers. They’re safe, as vetted by a background check and several mock Lyfts. The drivers, however, don’t always know the best ways around. Yes, they all have GPS, which helps. But sometimes they still need to be told the best route. The solution: Call your driver immediately. Specify your exact location. Telling my drivers I live in the building above CVS and Subway has done wonders.

How Lyft works

Lyft is app-based. It sits on the 1st screen of my phone.

When you need a ride, just open the app. Press the “Request Lyft” button and your’e set. The name and picture of your driver appear next to an ETA. You can even monitor the progress on the map.

You’ll recognize your ride by the pink mustache. Give your driver a “fist-bump” and pick a destination. You can go up to 60 miles away in any direction.

At the end of the ride, you just leave. Actually, it’s customary to give another “fist-bump” at the end. Then, you’re done.

For 24 hours, after the ride, you’ll be able to rate the ride and pay.

Payments are called “donations.” It’s Lyft’s way around some legal stuff. You can increase or decrease your payment as you like. Just keep in mind you’re rated, too. So decreasing payment might get you a low rating. And that could make it tough to get drivers to pick you up.

During busy hours, Lyfts are a bit more expensive. The increase fares go directly to the drivers as an incentive to drive when it’s busy.

How to start using Lyft

Download the app. It’s available in the app store and google play. First-time Lyft riders can get $25 in free Lyft rides with this link.

CTA: Give Lyft a try. You may not use it every day, like me. But you might just fall in love with the Pink Mustache.

Staring efficiency in the face

I like to write. It’s like painting my thoughts on a college-ruled canvas.

My writing has gotten me:

  • Scholarships.
  • Jobs.
  • College admission.
  • Internships.
  • Relationships.
  • Respect.
  • Trust
  • Joy.

I like writing the natural way: By hand.

Brain to left hand to pen to paper.

But, one day, I heard Robert Smigel, of all people, talk in a podcast about how he switched from handwriting to typing. He said:

Writing with a pen is romantic.  But, then, in the early 90’s, I made the switch to computer. It’s so much better, faster, more efficient.

So I gave it a try. I gave up my pen and notebook and just typed.

Similar to what happened to SNL in the late 90’s, the product started to suck.

Plus, writing wasn’t enjoyable anymore. One-handed art became two-handed torture.

So I’m back to writing by hand. Brain to left hand to pen to paper.

No, I can’t write as much. And I can’t write as efficiently.

But I’m writing as I’m meant to.

Writing as a lefty.

I thought I was the model employee

I was loyal.

I was responsible.

I was dependable.

I was hard-working.

I was smart.

I was honest.

I was hungry.

I was willing to sacrifice sleep, family, and love — all for the good of the company. I was the model employee, wasn’t I?

But then it hit me. Getting it done on-time, correctly, and with a smile on my face wasn’t enough.

All that stuff was nothing without status. Status of the project. Status of the deliverable. Status of the status.

Once I figured out how to give status, I figured out how to be the model employee.

Give status and you can be a model employee.

[On a related note, lifeisnoyoke is looking for model employees.]

Being aware of where

Of the five “W” question words, “where” might be the most useless.

Strangers use where. “Where is the closest McDonald’s?”

Interviewers use where. “Where did you go to college?”

Deal shoppers ask where. “Where should I buy my Vitamix?”

Because “Where?” is so easy. It’s informal. But, with people, it gets you nowhere.

If you really want to get to know someone, figure out how to replace “Where?” with “What?”

What was your college experience like? What do you like to eat around here? What are your thoughts on the Ninja Ultima?

“What” is where it’s at.

What do you think?

Buy someone lunch

Assume you go out to lunch four days per week. Each time, you pay for your own $7 lunch. Four payments of $7 = $28.

Now, assume you buy that same $7 lunch for you and your colleague twice per week. And, they return the favor. Two payments of $14 = $28.

Same cost. But isn’t it nice to treat someone? And even nicer to not bring out your wallet twice per week?