Category Archives: Life

Terror error

Terror organizations take joy in their power. They relentlessly pursue their mission of dominance and permanent resolution.

I get it.

I’m the same way with:

  • Decluttering my home.
  • Lactose intolerance.
  • Eradicating HFCS and fighting the Big Food companies who still use it for massive profit at the expense of our countries social, financial and physical well-being.

Alas, I think this misguided attempt at self-promotion through analogy just defended terrorists like Hamas.

Except for the whole murder thing.

Bottom of the pyramid

Are you in a pyramid?

  • Service organizations are a pyramid.
  • Government is a pyramid.
  • Social groups are a pyramid.

You can spend your time trying to get to the top.

Or, you can do good work and enjoy the journey.

Either way, the top of the pyramid is just the bottom of another one.

Because I said so, woof, because I’m your boss

Kids, dogs, and direct-reports.

They’re all the same.

Talk to them as kids, dogs, and direct-reports, and they’ll act like kids, dogs, and direct-reports.

Talk to them as adults, humans or professionals, however, and they’ll act like adults, humans and professionals.

Sure, you can’t mention sex or going on vacation or confidential information to your kid, dog and direct-report, respectively.

But for the most part, if you act as-if (they are), so will they.

Respecting serial position

Landlords and similar businesses who lease property must cover costs. Management, overhead, etc.

To cover these costs during the lease, they have two choices:

  1. Collect small fees during the middle.
  2. Collect large fees in the beginning and in the end.

Given what we know about the serial position effect, why would landlords and similar businesses choose choice 2?

Surely, choice 1 (spreading small fees across the middle instead of a giant fee for “move-in” and “move-out”) would be better for the long-term relationship between the customer and the brand.

At the very least, have some respect for the recency effect; don’t charge big fees in the end.

Otherwise, your tenants, who in today’s world determine your reputation online, won’t have respect for you.

Avi, Aaron, Paul — (co MVP’s)

Sports teams have ’em. Offices have ’em. Attendees of a vacation, or night out, or any other gathering of friends have ’em.

They’re your most valuable player (MVP).

Recognize your MVP publicly? The bar is raised for everyone else.

Don’t recognize them publicly? It’s a race to the bottom.

Who was your MVP recently?

Three lemon dance

Location only gets you so far. Your service or selection only gets you so far.

But your preeminence?

Your preeminence will take you to the promised land.

What’s your preeminence?

Know this about toeing the line

It doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter that you have a baffling slider, or are an up-and-coming and affable attorney, or are admired by new staff and clients for your honest approach to consulting.

If you don’t pitch to contact, or are a threat to the credibility of the preeminent successor of the family law firm, or are leaving to pursue entrepreneurship and a better life, you’ll be shown the door and used as an example.

Sure, when you don’t toe the line, you might get kicked to the ground.

But, ask Francisco Liriano, my future brother-in-law, or me “what’s better?”.

Toeing the line or flourishing as yourself.

Two choices when advocating for change

When advocating for change or reform, you have two choices:

  1. Nag negatively. Calling out “the enemy” and what they’ve done is the most common example. “Look at them. Here’s how they’re evil.”
  2. Promote positively. Focusing on the power of “we” is a good example. “Look at us, here’s what we do (or don’t do).”

The former is easier.

The latter, however, is more difficult but gets WAY more traction.

It’s “how we do” at Life is NOYOKE. 🙂


Open letter

Dear old friend,

You have a gift.

You know what it is.

Please do it every day and share it with the world.

It doesn’t need to be a home run every time. Doubles, singles, even strikeouts, are okay.

But please, old friend, you know who you are and know your gift.

Share it.

Share it every day.

Your old friend,