Monthly Archives: September 2014

Time to move on

Some of the best, most exclusive, most sought-after jobs inevitably end in an abrupt change.

  • Pro sports head coaches / managers are almost always fired.
  • On-air personalities eventually get replaced.
  • Politicians don’t get reelected.
  • Parents become empty nesters.

The abrupt change is not usually because of failure.

Rather, it simply became time to move on.

Sure, some people keep those jobs forever. But, then don’t we yearn for the abrupt change everyone else gets?

(The coach that should be fired. The on-air personality that is tired. The politician that is coasting. The parents with grown children who still live at home.)

The key is to not fear the abrupt change. Seek out the best, most exclusive, most sought-after jobs.

And when the abrupt change happens, take joy in the opportunity you had and the future that lies ahead.

Traumatic events

I know it isn’t making me any money.

In fact, it costs me.

It certainly doesn’t save me any time.

In fact, it requires lots.

So why do I do this blog thing? I write and publish every day about objective advice I’m giving to myself and others.

Well, according to a 2005 study, this blog is quite therapeutic. The study said that one can use expressive writing as a therapeutic tool after surviving trauma.

No, I don’t write about traumatic events, per se. It’s mostly just me coming to grips with stuff that drives me nuts.

But, if you’ve recently experienced a traumatic event, consider writing a bit. It helps.

Assuming I’ll continue to be traumatized by incompetence, ignorance, and hypocrisy, you can expect me to keep doing the same.


Present vs present

There are two ways to look at sleep.

  1. Opportunity cost. When you’re sleeping, you’re missing out on opportunities to live.
  2. Opportunity. Being well-rested affords you opportunities that your less alert, energized, and happy self would have missed.

Because of the former, I used to be very afraid of sleep. 4-5 hours was all I used to allow myself.

Now, I subscribe to the latter.

And while I still carry a you-sleep-when-you-die attitude, I think there’s more opportunity cost that comes from NOT being well rested.

Sure, 7 hours of solid sleep can be tough to come by sometimes.

But, being present at half speed isn’t really being present, ya know?

Politics, religion plus one

When you meet someone in a social setting, resist the temptation to ask what they do for work.


That person might:

  • Have a crappy job.
  • Be unemployed.
  • Be someone you should have known.
  • Make less money than you.
  • Make more money than you.
  • Be a student.
  • Be something you don’t understand.

Whatever it is, neither of you really want to talk about it.

Put work in the same category as politics and religion.

In social settings, there are MUCH better things about which to ask.

Rite purchase

So you just bought or were gifted:

  • An expensive computer bag.
  • A paper shredder.
  • A Kitchen Aid mixer.

Sure, you’ll get a lot of use out of it at your new job, and you need the security in your new small business, and you’ll be baking a lot in your new home together.

But none of these things are logical purchases.

They’re merely rites of passages.

Find one to sell and the audience who has “earned the rite,” and you’ve struck gold.

Attitude and gratitude

If you’re looking for a new job, your best asset is your attitude. Experience, education and the like all come second.

If you’re looking for a spouse, your best asset is your gratitude. Looks, compatibility and the like all come second.

If you want the happiest, most fulfilling life, have an awesome attitude and give lots of gratitude.

The new job and spouse, then, will simply be a bonus.

Mo money

Here’s the secret to making more money.

Don’t listen to anyone offering advice on how to make more money.


The big reason THEY make money is by selling YOU products on how to make more money.

And until you’re doing EXACTLY what they’re doing, it’s pretty tough to make more money by simply following their advice.

Free gifts

It’s the tiny receptions of genuine gratitude that make difficult work worth doing.

“I read your blog and really enjoy it.”

“This is my favorite store. Always love shopping here.”

“Thank you for your five years of loyal service to our organization.”

Knowing how inspiring, empowering, and motivating it is to receive said gratitude, why not give it out a little more?

It usually costs nothing, yet is worth so much to the recipient.

Who you’re calling

It’s a large room with hundreds of tiny workstations.

Headsets, computers and a messy array of printed scripts, reminders and notes line each one.

It’s a call center, people.

And there’s a person making X dollars per hour at each of those tiny workstations.

Their job is to fix your problem.

Keep in mind, though, there’s almost zero chance THEY are responsible for causing it.