Tag Archives: interview process

Career Advice

Lately, I’ve been giving the same advice. It’s not specific to food or fitness. I’ve found myself giving career advice. And the advice has turned out to be pretty good.

My career advice is a consulting buzzword. Actually, it’s probably more of an aphorism. Here it is:

First, figure out where you want to be [hand gesture]. Then figure out how you’re going to get there [hand gesture].”

Figuring out where you want to be, or what you want to is gold. To a hiring manager, it can explain four jobs in four years. It makes you valuable and attractive. It makes you seem more honest and trustworthy.  More employable.

But the best part of figuring out where you want to be? The “how you’re going to get there” part becomes very clear. You’ll hardly ever be lost.

It’s time to figure out where you want to be. Me included.

Expectation Setting and Timing

Expectations setting is a necessary ingredient to any success relationship. It’s as simple as, “Here’s what I expect.”  But, mastering expectation setting timing might be more crucial than the expectations themselves.

Tell your cab driver you have a sensitive stomach and need him to drive smoothly is okay before the ride begins.  Set that expectation halfway through the ride and…

Tell your girlfriend that you value experiences over material things on your first date, and she’ll be cool with getting less [material] gifts than she has before.  Set those expectations after six months and…

Tell a potential employer that you need to earn X dollars and be home for dinner at Y o’clock during the interview process, and that’s what you’ll get if you’re hired.  Set those expectations during your first review and…

It’s true that you might not agree on what’s expected.  So what?  There’s another cab right behind.  There’s plenty of fish in the sea.  And there’s other good job opportunities out there.

More likely than not, you’ll find a match that can meet your expectations.  If not you can always adjust.  But adjusting expectations, especially from none at all, usually ends in disappointment.

And that feeling is always mutual.