Category Archives: Wellness

Morning news

I’ve written a million articles on what NOT to do first thing in the morning.


Because I need to be reminded how much better days are when I avoid email, news, social media, etc. first thing in the morning.

Despite my own best advice, I still found myself indulging.

Finally, I found something that resonated.

One song.

One line.

One time, instead of falling into the information overload abyss.

Simon & Garfunkel.

“I get the news I need from the weather report.”

So now, I check the weather.

And I start the day:

  • More relaxed.
  • More focused.
  • Less rushed.

Where do YOU get the news you need in the morning?

Terror error

Terror organizations take joy in their power. They relentlessly pursue their mission of dominance and permanent resolution.

I get it.

I’m the same way with:

  • Decluttering my home.
  • Lactose intolerance.
  • Eradicating HFCS and fighting the Big Food companies who still use it for massive profit at the expense of our countries social, financial and physical well-being.

Alas, I think this misguided attempt at self-promotion through analogy just defended terrorists like Hamas.

Except for the whole murder thing.

Surprisingly hard part of summertime living

What does summer mean to you?

  • Laying out in the sun?
  • Playing pickup basketball in the park?
  • Beers on the patio?

All that stuff is awesome.

And easy!

Just don’t forget about the hard part about summertime — remembering to drink enough water.

Gotta love that the HARD part of summertime is actually incredibly easy.


What’s the one thing that, if taken away, would give you the most stress. Being without it might even kill you.

It turns out that taking a moment to appreciate this thing has the opposite effect. It reduces stress and makes you feel alive.


You guessed it.

Now you try.

Just breathe.

What would Lucy do?

When in doubt, just think about what Lucy would do.

  • Seeing someone you’ve missed? Jump, wag and give tons of love.
  • Meeting new friends? Approach gently and make the other feel comfortable.
  • Been sitting still for too long? Get up and stretch.
  • Playing ball in the park? Leave it all on the field.
  • Feeling sick? Don’t let anyone know.
  • Just got fed? Say thank you.

Love, exercise and appreciation.



Daily vacation

Activating airplane mode is the unofficial beginning of a vacation.

  • No emails.
  • No Facebook.
  • No calls.

Just pure bliss.

Lately, I’ve been activating airplane mode every day. Even if it’s just for 20 minutes, I’m refreshed like after a week on the beach.

Of course, business travelers go on airplane mode on flights for work. But isn’t that still airplane mode?

Flying for work. No flying at all. Take a few minutes per day on airplane mode.

Who doesn’t want a daily vacation?

Who will be first?

The first school to desegregate.

The first state to allow gay marriage.

The first state to legalize marijuana.

And now the first convenience store to ban the sale of tobacco products: CVS.

It took a long time. And a lot of courage. And for CVS, quite frankly, financial incentive. But slowly, others will follow suit. Just like they did with segregation, gay marriage and marijuana.

Way to be first, CVS!

Next up: Processed food products.

Who will be first?


You pick two

2 hours. That’s how long your metabolism jumps after a run.

2 days. That’s how long your metabolism jumps after lifting weights. Little weights count, too, ladies.

No, running doesn’t slow it down. It just doesn’t speed it up like weights (or body weight resistance). So if you like running, you don’t need to give it up. Just add some sprints, or pushups or squats to your run.

American Big Food makes life a challenge. And you gotta eat. But you still have a choice.

Two hours or two days.