Category Archives: Life

For your 4th of July consideration

The 4th of July is a day off.

Treat it like one.

Do things you wouldn’t normally do on a work day.

  • Relax.
  • Have fun.
  • Appreciate the little things.

And consider staying off Instagram, Twitter and Facebook the rest of the day.

Because, hey, it might just make those things you don’t normally do a whole lot better.

Happy 4th of July.

Honestly: Take note

Honestly, this is my best post ever.

Honestly, there’s more revealed in this report than I’m comfortable sharing.

I’m only saying “honestly” because I’m being dishonest or because I’ve been dishonest in the past.

Figure out how to never need to use the word “honestly.”

Then, everything you think, say, and are perceived as will be honest.

Because “honestly” equals dishonesty.

Just ask the Godfather

When you need help, you have two choices.

  1. Be a patron. Offer money in exchange for what you need.
  2. Be a friend. Offer appreciation and friendship in exchange for what you need.

It’s one or the other.

And, counter-intuitively, the latter gets a much better response in the short and long term.

Just ask The Godfather.

So, next time you need some help moving, an extra bottle of wine for your dinner party, or a referral, be a friend.

P.S. My website, thrives when the community thrives.

Who can you send my way?

Click here for a pre-written, non-obtrusive email you can use to refer a few friends who are into healthy living.

I appreciate it very much.

Your friend,



Hobby Lobby and SCOTUS: 7 Business Lessons

Here are 8 takeaways from yesterday’s shenanigans of the US Supreme Court’s decision on Hobby Lobby vs. Women, er, I mean, Burwell.

1. Bad press is good press.

Hobby Lobby was not on many people’s radars before yesterday. Now, they’re a household name.

2. Polarizing opinions win hearts and minds.

Hobby Lobby fans, mostly bible belt moms, now are more loyal than ever. Their hearts and minds are won-over forever. And…

3. Stories that win hearts and minds get in the news.

If you’re not triggering someone’s emotions, nobody’s gonna write about you. It doesn’t matter how good your PR firm is.

4. Haters gonna hate.

People who say they will never shop at Hobby Lobby again probably never shopped there in the first place.

5. True conviction is stronger than the truth.

Facts don’t motivate. Genuine belief does. It doesn’t matter if your opinion is loaded with gender bigotry.

6. Strong dissenting opinions are opportunities.

Linens ‘n Things or Joann Fabrics could align with Justice RBG and profit greatly. So could you, if you’re clever enough.

7. Treatment of people is the strongest branding.

Hobby Lobby now sits with the likes of Chic-fil-A, GM (as of recent), VW (as of the Holocaust), et al. Be kind to people, otherwise your brand becomes unkind.

Just ask Dr. Oz

Credibility can come from credentials. Just ask Dr. Oz. He’s a doctor.

Credibility can come from social proof. Just ask Dr. Oz. He has a daily TV show that thousands of people watch.

Credibility can come from a long body of work. Just ask Dr. Oz. He has been working as a doctor for decades.

But credibility can disappear in an instant when you’re grilled by senators for pedaling bogus weight loss drugs and making egregious claims that are unsupported by science.

So while genuine honesty and forthrightness can’t be measured by certifications or popularity or tenure, it’s the kind of credibility that which we all should all strive.

It’s the only kind of credibility.

Right, Mehmet?

You woke up next to who?

Is your bed your holy place?

A place:

  • Where ONLY you and / or your partner are allowed to wake up?
  • Where things that can make you sick are NOT allowed?
  • Where you make EVERY attempt to avoid waking up scared or anxious or disappointed?

If yes to any of the above, why the hell would you invite strange, unhealthy and anxiety-inducing acquaintances into bed in the morning via checking email, Facebook or Twitter?

Can’t it wait?


Death by calendar

So many people say they “live and die by their calendar.”

But of those people, so few say things like:

  • I’m scheduled with my kids at 6pm.
  • I am working out from 1-2.
  • I’m not sure I understand why we need more than 30 minutes to discuss / review / decide upon that.

If, in fact, you find yourself saying stuff like the above, then yes, you “live and die by your calendar.”

If not, you’re just dying by it.

Right side of the bed

Ever woken up on the proverbial wrong side of the bed?

You’re distracted. You’re pre-occupied. You’re feeling irritable and a little bit off.

It happens to the best of us.

Ever resist the urge to check Twitter, Instagram and email immediately when you wake up?

That happens to the best of us, too.

And it usually results in waking up on the right side of the bed.