Think you’re ready for a baby? Get a dog.
Think you’re ready for a dog? Get a plant.
Think you’re ready for a plant? Great. Go get one.
Soon, you’ll be well on your way to being ready for a baby.
Baby steps, People.
Think you’re ready for a baby? Get a dog.
Think you’re ready for a dog? Get a plant.
Think you’re ready for a plant? Great. Go get one.
Soon, you’ll be well on your way to being ready for a baby.
Baby steps, People.
Everyone loves to pick low-hanging fruit. The student who begin the page setup. The traveler who begins with packing socks. The weight loss seeker who begins by buying a Vitamix.
Fortunately, picking the low hanging fruit is valuable. It gets you one step closer to writing that paper, packing that suitcase, or feeling more fit.
All the fruit needs to be picked at some point. Might as well start with the easy stuff.