Monthly Archives: January 2016

Stay or go?

What’s the cost of leaving?

  • Guaranteed salary?
  • Possible bonus?
  • Uncertainty?

What’s the cost of staying?

  • Today’s opportunity?
  • Your health?
  • Life without regret?

Assuming today’s opportunity won’t be there tomorrow (or will get smaller), your health is more costly (and valuable) tomorrow, and, of course, regret of not acting only grows, the case to stay gets weaker every day.

Problem is, the scale only shifts a tiny bit every day.

So when you happen to notice a big jump in the scale’s imbalance, know it’s going to be a tough day. But be grateful that, compared to yesterday, the imbalance has become clear.

balance scale drawing stay or go

Bad buy buddy

People buy on emotion.

This thing will:

  • Make people love me.
  • Help me feel better.
  • Change my life.

Logic comes in afterwards for justification.

This thing was:

  • An awesome deal.
  • Able to do all the things.
  • Proven to be a smart decision.

It seems, then, there’s a big opportunity to counsel people who are struggling to logically justify their purchase.

So go empathize.

(And then let them know you can help them get the right one when they’re ready.)

Bad buy buddy, Lenny Gale.


You’re gonna go gray. And slow down. And find things aren’t as easy as they used to be.

That stuff is out of your control.

But you can be grateful. And laugh. And radiate positivity.

That stuff can never be taken away.


Grandma Zelda and Lenny Gale at high school graduation.

Paid and exclusive

It’s so true.

  • Free copies of software.
  • Backstage passes.
  • Comp’d tickets.

The second that happens, everything changes.

The software is just meh. The show loses its magic. The performance isn’t as good.

It’s so tempting to give your stuff away for free (or provide free special access).

But just know that the excitement, rave reviews, and value derived is immediately all but gone.

Probably better to keep things paid and exclusive.

[Lesson learned from building my course Vitamix 101.]


A smart man has good advice.

A wise man has good advice, too.

Only one of them knows how to make you take it.

What’s the goal?

I ask others this question all the time.

  • Okay, but what’s the goal?
  • Right, so what’s the objective?
  • Yeah, and let’s be sure we’re clear on the “why” first.

Simple question. Simple answer.

Just be sure you can articulate it, if you’re doing both the asking and the answering.

[Thanks, Sherps]