When asking for a favor

You have two choices:

  1. You owe me.  For example, I could say “I’ve written for you daily for the last three months.  Since you’ve read and enjoyed (at least a couple), you owe me.”  Does that make you want to do me a favor by donating to ALS-TDI?
  2. I will owe you.  For example, I could say, “If you do me the favor by donating to ALS-TDI, I will owe you a matching donation.”  Does that make you want to do me a favor by donating to ALS-TDI?

The latter should.  And I will.

Donate today and I will match your donation 100%.

Today only.

Now you can’t say “What have you done for me lately?”  Even though I did just teach you how to ask for a favor.

Donate today for 100% match by me.



I actually need to put a limit on this match offer because my girlfriend has a big network of donors.  Let’s say $500 aggregate match, matching donations as they come in. If you donate after the $500 aggregate match, I will owe you.


2 thoughts on “When asking for a favor

  1. Robin

    Awesome dude! How’s it going?

    Robin Gale

    Mainstream Boutique

    679 Winnetka Ave N. Golden Valley, MN 55427


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