Category Archives: Creation

Diss a point

If you create for other people, you’re bound to disappoint.

If you create for yourself, you’ll probably disappoint, too.

But at least only one person’s disappointment will affect you.


If you can sell your art, great.

But always make it for yourself.

Because if it’s not for you, you’ll lose interest. And once you lose interest, you become completely uninteresting.

Then nobody wants to buy your art.

Do it for you.

Who are you creating for?

Write for yourself. Draw for yourself. Photograph for yourself. Make jokes for yourself. Play music for yourself.

You might not get any readers, viewers, listeners, etc.

But if you do they’re yours forever.

And then, you’re actually creating for the world.

Your Soy Sauce Bottle

The guy who created the iconic Kikkoman soy sauce container died yesterday.

That’s his legacy.


It’s his one thing.

But remember this: He created thousands of other cool things.

Some great. Some not so great.

But did he ever sit down in an attempt to create that one thing? His proverbial soy sauce bottle?


The soy sauce bottle holds a lifetime of work. A lifetime of not worrying about what his soy sauce bottle will look like.